
Day in the Life of a Water Softener Installer for EcoFilter
What your water softener installer has been up to this week!
Typical Monday morning for a water softener installer in Dublin. It’s raining and it w...

Water Filter System Annual Service
Water Filter ServiceA water filter service should be carried out at least once every year on all water filtration equipment. The systems need to be...

Water Softeners - Ultimate Limescale Filters
Water is life! The following is a quick blog post on hard water and the effects it has on your appliances, heating system and showers/baths etc. Ma...

Water, The Life Changing Benefits And How Water Filters Help?
Water, The Life Changing Benefits And How Water Filters Help?1 out of 10 people in their teenage years suffer from acne. And most probably people a...

Instant Boiling Water Taps, What You Should Know Before You Buy
What should you know about instant boiling water taps before you buy one? And what is the difference between a boiling water tap and an instant, st...